Mia Carameros Paintings


A series of mesmerizing tulip paintings by local Austin artist Mia Carameros. Each artwork is a captivating blend of beauty and botanical artistry, meticulously created using gouache on paper.

Carameros’ artistic process begins with carefully selecting a plant, which is then pressed to preserve its delicate form. Once the pressings are ready, they are scanned to capture their intricate details. Using a projection technique, Carameros transfers the edited pressings onto paper, bringing forth a stunning composition. With a skilled hand, she meticulously draws and paints the projection, giving life to each tulip painting.

Nature and artistic expression intertwine in these stunning silhouette paintings. Mia Carameros’ tulip paintings are a testament to her artistic vision and the delicate elegance of nature’s creations.

  • Materials: Gouache on paper
  • Dimensions: 9 x 12.5 inches, framed
  • SKU: 48-1011

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